Artist Branding?

artist branding

Artist Have to stick out in a sea of monotony

While working in the music business I come across hot buzz words/phrases ALL THE TIME and one of the hot buzzwords for the moment is “Artist Branding”. People are always telling the artist that they need build, promote, and protect “your brand” but unfortunately most of the people using this term really don’t know what it means (because they’re usually talking out of their ass).

So what exactly is a brand?

A great book that I read not too long by the Name of “The Brand Gap” explains it like this:

The perception of a product, service, experience. Its a gut feeling. Its a gut feeling because in the end the brand is defined by individuals not by companies or markets.

What does that mean for artist?

For an artist, their brand is determined by the consistency of their persona and the continuos quality of their music, which leads to the overall gut feeling that music fans get. Regardless of what genre of music an artist delves into, the feel is the same and you can tell its the artist at first listen. For example, the rap group Outkast… Andre 3000 and Big Boi change their look and sound every time they release an album but no matter how many times they change, the music quality and personas stay consistant. Kanye West is another artist that has tried a variety of different musical directions but you never once questioned who you were listening to. Kanye’s music is always fresh and new but still Kanye.

Kanye West Album Covers

On the other hand you have an artist like Common that completely mislead his audience with the release of his 5th album Electric Circus . Electric Circus alienated some of Common’s most loyal fans because the album no longer “felt” like the Common they had grown to love. Common’s original sound was built from dope hip hop drums and samples but as soon as his music became regimented and mechanical, he lost his fans.

How does an artist determine what their brand is?

In order for an artist to recognize and successfully promote their brand, they must have a great sense of self-knowing. They must know who they are, where they came from, and where they’re going. They must know what they like and don’t like, and what they stand for and why. And they must have an inherent feel for their sound and what works for them. After they have all of that squared away, they must have the strength to fight for their vision and not succumb to the pressure of a record label, manager or quite possibly their fans.

Before I end let me leave you with this, the artist’s brand is their identity: how they dress, make music, communicate with fans, make videos, perform at shows, etc. All of those elements put together creates the DNA of the artist A.K.A. the brand of the artist. Don’t Fuck It Up. Pay attention.

That’s not all there is to their brands, but it’s a big part. Stay tuned for more post on artist branding…

BET Sitcom ‘The Game’ Strikes Huge Ratings

So maybe the jokes on BET will slow up a little bit after the success with the premiere episode of their new sitcom “The Game”. BET’s new sitcom “The Game” (a CW sitcom picked up by BET after its cancellation in 2009) premiered Tuesday night to 7.7 million total viewers which makes it the highest-rated show in BET history and one of the biggest premieres in cable history.

I grew up in an era when BET was full of nothing but bad tv shows, bad host, and bad actors. The only bright spot was “Rap City The Basement” and somehow they managed to screw that up too. But thanks to BET’s new management and new blue chip show “The Game”, there maybe hope for the next generation of African American TV watchers to see some decent programming.

The debut success of the game is huge for a few reasons:

1. The 7.7 million viewers makes it competitive with huge established broadcast sitcoms (30 Rock, Cougar Town)

2. Its give BET a blue chip show that allows the network to attract major ad campaigns

3. BET was able to capture a demo that was desperately looking for a TV that represented them. This demo was and still is grossly underserved.

P.S.: BET, please don’t find some crazy unimaginable way to screw this up….. PLEASE…. I’m begging you. Thanks.

Best Online Advertisement of 2010

Every time that I see this youtube promotion it blows my mind on several levels.

1. How did they get Youtube to agree with this idea. Had no clue Youtube would allow something like this
2. Super dope because I would never think a white out company would agree to a bear fucking a hunter in the ass.
3. The legs (longevity) that this campaign has because of all the follow up videos is incredible

Checkout the ad below (fuggin hilarious):

Advertising Agency: Buzzman, France
Creative Director: Georges Mohammed-Chérif
General Manager: Thomas Granger
Copywriter: Tristan Daltroff
Art Director: Louis Audard
Project Mnagers: Bastien Chanot, Antoine Ferrari
TV Producer: Elodie Jonquille
Digital Production Manager : Mélanie Rohat-Meheust
Community Managers: Xavier Le Boullenger, Nicolas Mirguet
Film Production: Eleganz
Producteur: Willy Morence
Réalisateur: Olivier Bennoun
Web Production: Grouek

Band-Aid: Hulk

Damn. This is definitely an ad that I wish I came up with… The best ads are the type of ads that don’t need any copy . Ads that need copy for people to understand suck just as much as a joke that need an explanation at the end for you to get it.

Advertising Agency: JWT Dubai, UAE
Executive Creative Directors: Russell Heubach, Chafic Haddad
Senior Art Director / Copywriter: SM Ziyad
Illustrator / 3D Artist: Tarek Samaan
Planner: Prabhakar Iyer
Account Manager: Rochelle Barreto

Dope Campaign: Jay-Z Decoded

So it seems like everybody is releasing a book these days so I’m not surprised to hear that Sean Carter is releasing one too. The book is But the difference between his book and the rest is the huge multimedia marketing campaign he has pushing it to the forefront of mainstream consciousness. The campaign takes every page in the book and literally brings it to the place where it actually happened.

The New York based ad agency Droga5 are the team that set Mr. Carter up with one the larget phygital marketing campaigns I’ve ever seen, complete with events, reveals, hidden messages, and even a partnership with Bing allowing users to search for pages in the book via an internet scavenger hunt.

“We’ve made canvases out of some pretty extraordinary places,” says Droga5 Creative Chairman David Droga. “We’ve turned everything into outdoor—350 pages are outdoor and another 100 and 150 are things that money can’t buy.” The latter will involve some familiar other big names, which at press time Droga could not disclose. “A lot of other big global brands and icons have stepped up to turn themselves into canvases,” he says.

This campaign is definitely testing the boundaries of how you traditionally promote a book but to be honest I wouldn’t expect anything else from Mr. Carter. When I started at Universal Motown I actually tried to pull off a campaign similar to this one that was inspired by Trent Reznor’s campaign for his Year Zero album. But of course it got shot down. Maybe one day…

If you want to checkout the book you can pre-order it here. I’ve read a few pages myself and its pretty dope.

SHOTS FIRED!!! Old Spice vs. Axe

Shots fired!!! Duck down grab your helmet. After dropping their celebrity endorsement, Axe has resorted to other types of ads to grab peoples attention….”bustin a cap at the competition” a.k.a “brand bashing”. I dont know if brand bashing is a real term but if it isn’t, I’m coining the term today.

This ad is clearly taking a shot at the “Old Spice Guy” and to be honest I think the ad is pretty clever. I love it. It would really be dope if Old Spice made a comeback ad (freestyle battle style). But that would probably never happen but a guy can always dream though.

The MVP Puppets vs. Lil Penny

Throughout the years, Nike and Wieden+Kennedy have released some of the greatest commercials I’ve ever seen period. From the “Just Do It” campaign that we all grew up on to the Jordan “Mars Blackmon” campaign that had me standing in for 3 hrs just to get them. But two of the best basketball campaigns that Nike has ever had, has involved something that everyone loves….Puppets. Thats right….Puppets. Nike started with the “Lil Penny” Campaign in 95′ and now they’re doing the same with the “MVP Puppets” campaign. So after taking a close look at both campaigns I’ve decided to have them faceoff to see which campaign is the best. Personally, I love the “Lil Penny” campaign the most because 1: you have Spike Lee directing, 2: Tyra Banks cameo, 3: Penny was like Jesus to me at that time. So let the games begin a vote for the best campaign.


Name: “Three Rings”

Name: “Chalk”

Name: “Most Valuable Babysitter (Lil Dez)”

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Seth Godin “The Marketing Messiah”

Seth Godin is really one of the most amazing minds in our lifetime. He continuously challenges the status que in creative/fun ways (Ms. Frizzle Style). His approach to modern day business and marketing is second to none. I’ve read his blog on a daily basis for the past 2 years and he has single handily changed my approach to work, marketing and technology. (damn that sounded like an infomercial)

If you have a sec. check out his blog and if you have more time check out one of his books.